Equations of motion and Noether's theorem in the functional formalism
This post has been migrated from my old blog, the math-physics learning seminar.
First, let us recall the derivation of the equations of motion and Noether’s theorem in classical field theory. We have some action functional \(S[\phi]\) defined by some local Lagrangian:
\[ S[\phi] = \int L(\phi, \partial \phi) dx. \]
The classical equations of motion are just the Euler-Lagrange equations
\[ \frac{\delta S}{\delta \phi(x)} = 0 \iff \partial_\mu \left( \frac{\partial L}{\partial(\partial_\mu\phi)} \right) = \frac{\partial L}{\partial \phi} \]
Now suppose that \(S\) is invariant under some transformation \(\phi(x) \mapsto \phi(x) + \epsilon(x) \eta(x)\), so that \(S[\phi] = S[\phi+\epsilon \eta]\). Here we treat \(\eta\) as a fixed function but \(\epsilon\) may be an arbitrary infinitesimal function. The Lagrangian is not necessarily invariant, but rather can transform with a total derivative:
\[ L(\phi+\epsilon \eta) = L(\phi) + \frac{\partial L}{\partial (\partial_\mu \phi)} \eta \partial_\mu \epsilon + \epsilon \partial_\mu f^\mu \]
For some unknown vector field \(f^\mu\) (which we could compute given any particular Lagrangian). So let’s compute
\[ \begin{aligned} \delta_\epsilon S &= \int \delta_\epsilon L \cr &= \int \frac{\partial L}{\partial (\partial_\mu \phi)} \eta \partial_\mu \epsilon + \epsilon \partial_\mu f^\mu \cr &= \int \partial_\mu \left(f^\mu - \frac{\partial L}{\partial (\partial_\mu \phi)} \eta \right) \epsilon \end{aligned} \]
Let us define the Noether current \(J^\mu\) by
\[ J^\mu = \frac{\partial L}{\partial (\partial_\mu \phi)} \eta - f^\mu. \]
Then the previous computation showed that
\[ \frac{\delta S}{\delta \epsilon} = -\partial_\mu J^\mu. \]
If \(\phi\) is a solution to the Euler-Lagrange equations, then the variation \(dS\) vanishes, hence we obtain:
Theorem (Noether’s theorem) The Noether current is divergence free, i.e.
\[ \partial_\mu J^\mu = 0.\]
Functional Version
First, we derive the functional analogue of the classical equations of motion. Consider an expectation value
\[ \langle \mathcal{O(\phi)} \rangle = \int \mathcal{O}(\phi) e^{\frac{i}{\hbar} S} \mathcal{D}\phi \]
We’ll assume that \(\phi\) takes values in a vector space (or bundle). Then we can perform a change of variables \(\psi = \phi + \epsilon\), and since \(\mathcal{D}\phi = \mathcal{D}\psi\) we find that
\[ \int \mathcal{O}(\phi+\epsilon) \exp\left(\frac{i}{\hbar} S[\phi] \right) \mathcal{D}\phi \]
is independent of \(\epsilon\). Expanding to first order in \(\epsilon\), we have
\[ 0 = \int \left(\frac{\delta\mathcal{O}}{\delta \phi} + \frac{i \mathcal{O}}{\hbar} \frac{\delta S}{\delta \phi} \right) \exp \left( \frac{i}{\hbar} S \right) \mathcal{D}\phi \]
So we find the quantum analogue of the equations of motion:
\[ \left\langle \frac{\delta \mathcal{O}}{\delta \phi} \right\rangle + \frac{i}{\hbar} \left\langle \mathcal{O} \frac{\delta S}{\delta \phi} \right\rangle = 0\]
Next, we move on to the quantum version of Noether’s theorem. Suppose there is a transformation \(Q\) of the fields leaving the action invariant. Assuming the path integral measure is invariant, we obtain
\[ \left\langle QF \right \rangle + \frac{i}{\hbar} \left\langle F QS \right\rangle = 0\]
To compare with the classical result, consider \(Q\) to be the (singular) operator
\[ Q = \frac{\delta}{\delta \epsilon(x)} \]
Then by the previous calculations,
\[ Q S = -\delta_\mu J^\mu, \]
so we obtain
\[ \left\langle \frac{\delta \mathcal{O}}{\delta \epsilon(x)} \right\rangle = \frac{i}{\hbar} \left\langle \mathcal{O} \partial_\mu J^\mu \right\rangle. \]
This is the Ward-Takahashi identity, the quantum analogue of Noether’s theorem.